Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is best described as machine learning. Instead of programming a computer to perform a task, the computer will program itself.
As AI continues to grow it will enhance our lives. We can already see this in action with Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Companies like Amazon are using AI in order to predict your next purchase. Another great example of AI in current use is with chat bots that you find in websites like Facebook, and in customer support apps.
Many people are looking forward to self driving cars that are completely driven by AI. Tesla has already incorporated AI into its autopilot that can be turned on at a moment’s notice. Google and other companies are in a rush to keep up.
IBM’s Watson is currently the leader in the AI market. Watson uses conventional computing along with natural language processing, hypothesis generation and evaluation, and dynamic learning. As of this writing there are large companies that are building competitive solutions. These include Microsoft Project Oxford, Google Deepmind, and Baidu Minwa.