Yesterday I was clever, so I changed the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. —Rumi
Our students at The English Farm are striving to make the world a better place, but changing the world starts with changing yourself. If you want to have a global presence in order to make the biggest impact, then learning English is a great place to start.
Language point
Let’s take a look at the vocabulary used in this quotation.
Clever vs. wise — what’s the difference?
Clever [adjective] — quick to understand or learn; intelligent.
She is a clever and studious woman.
Wise [adjective] — having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
He grew wise in his later years.
The word “clever” tends to be used to describe younger people, whereas “wisdom” (the noun form of "wise") is something usually learned from experience. Rumi doesn’t use the words “yesterday” and “today” in the literal sense, but as a way of saying "the past" and "the present".
Did you know? Rumi was a poet who lived over 800 years ago, and yet, his words are still applicable today.